Whale is a very important animal for planet earth. According to ancient tradition, the Creator’s helpers placed it here, at the very beginning of the creation of life on earth, to be the guardian of its archives. Whales keep the history of planetary evolution and the energies present during the different ages of the globe. It’s like a swimming library!
Month: June 2020
From the beginning of times, as Man evolved in his relationship with the earth, there have been important moments at precise times every year when communities would assemble and pray. They would give thanks for the abundance of nature and perform the native ceremonies and rituals that reaffirmed Men’s unity with creation and the agreements with the spirits of the elements, plant and animal worlds that allowed for harmonious living on earth. Through these celebrations and spiritual assemblies we remained in harmony with the world we used to live in.
THE WILD TURKEY – totem animal
Here is another animal associated with the South. Certain nations even call it the eagle of the South.
The gobbler as it’s also called because of its typical throaty sound, represents the most spiritual and important medicine for all First Nations, that of generosity and sharing. We even have special ceremonies for gifting others called the giveaway or the potlatch.
It’s summer! The garden and forest love this hot, humid weather. The plant growth is visible day by day. I’ve beautiful and abundant wild flowers growing everywhere on my small family domain. They’ve come uninvited, yet their beauty is welcome. The voluptuous rapid growth of the south, the season of laughter and warmth is with us today.
THE DRAGONFLY – animal totem
Dragonfly teaches the art of seeing right through the illusions of life and being able to play with them. Dragonfly is of shape shifter medicine and dragon lore!
So much useless suffering! Diseases, wars, discord among family members, lack of love, abuse, violence, famine, racism, the list is endless. Most of this suffering could be avoided and has been created because Men have lost their connection to the earth. Those who receive the bounty of the land and who can nourish their families with what they grow in their gardens have no need for the actions that create suffering for others. Their families are together all the time and nature gives them the activities that allow for maximum healthy development of body, heart and mind. Also any useless suffering is an indication that we are not following Great Spirit original instructions.