When I created the Liquid Smudge Chiiyaam, I immediately perceived the immense benefit it could bring to many people around the world. This conviction led me to make it available to everyone by creating the Invocation company.

However, as a spiritual teacher, healer, musician and writer, my foray into the world of business has been a journey of learning, uncertainty and discovery. I sought out many resources and organizations, and for almost two years I tried, unsuccessfully, to launch Invocation. Although I followed all the recommended steps, I lacked one crucial element: a bank loan. This loan required an equivalent investment, but I couldn’t find an investor despite a solid business plan, intensive research and countless contacts.

At the end of my wits, I decided to go back to what I knew best. It was winter, and I settled into my teepee. There, I performed the ceremony to manifest our works, the one I shared with you last week. First, a voice came from the fire telling me to look for a marketing company in Village Huron, Wendake, the native reservation in Quebec City. Then I saw a face appear in the flames.

The next day, I plunged into the telephone directory and found the only marketing company based in Wendake. The boss wasn’t taking my calls, so I decided to go and sit in their offices until he agreed to see me. Together, we set up the company which, for the next eight years, distributed the Chiiyaam Liquid Smudge and the other products I had developed.

In fact, I’m happy to announce that on December 15, 2024, we celebrated the 25th year of our little company. We’ll be celebrating this anniversary all year long.

But the story doesn’t end there. The week after that ceremony, someone knocked on the back door of my home. To my surprise, it was the same person whose face I had seen in the flames. This individual represented a natural products company and was offering the investment needed to launch Invocation Canada.

So, after a year of unsuccessful attempts in the business world, it was thanks to this ceremony that everything came together in a single week.

It was a story that deserved to be shared, especially on our 25th anniversary and as an echo of the transmission of this powerful ceremony on the blog last week.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. I’m taking a break until the second week of January, and the next article will appear on January 11, 2025.

Joy, Love, Peace and Light to each and every one of you!


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