(If you haven’t read the 2 previous articles, please do, they will help in understanding this one).
The Native way is called the Butterfly Ceremony. It follows the 4 steps of the life of a butterfly. The Egg, the Caterpillar, the Cocoon and the Butterfly.
There are two different ways to do this. One is all in a single beautiful ceremony where your visualization, offerings and songs will create in the light your dream. You will see what to do and how to do it. It will then manifest. The other way is to do it in increments as you slowly build your dream-project. It can be anything from finding your soul mate to building a company. I’ll describe them both in the four phases of the Butterfly’s life. Of course, in real life you do both. I’ll just describe them together as they fit like a glove.
Open the ceremony by lighting a sacred fire and a chant to invoke your ancestors for their help. (There is always a fire in Native ceremonies. If you don’t have access to a fire, use 3 candles.)
1st step – The Egg. Anything that happens and manifests, that exists, has always started with a thought. Our universe began as a thought in the mind of Great Spirit. This step is called purifying the intention. This is important. Be clear that what you want is also beneficial to your family and community, to your nation and the planet. See far ahead. Ask yourself: will your seed produce fruit that will benefit 7 generations into the future? When you have purified your dream-seed see in your mind a clear picture of what you want to accomplish.
2nd Step – Be a caterpillar. Get as many tools, materials, ideas, investments, partners, etc. that could be used to realize your dream. A caterpillar eats more than 4 times its own weight in a day. Go work with others that have the same goal or help people who have similar dreams. Get as many things, as much information, as much experience as you can possibly get that could be helpful in making your intention manifest into your reality. At this stage be gluttonous! Even if its only remotely possible a thing will help, a course, a training, a diploma, whatever, go get it! The next step will refine everything. In the ceremony where you experience it all in one sitting, see in your mind the people that will come to help you: welcome them, prepare them a place, set a context for them to be happy working with you or being with you. See what gifts and talents they bring to the dream. Thank them for it.
3rd Step – Feeding the Dream. Cocoon away! Go into deep retreat and start looking at all you’ve acquired to make your dream a reality. Start cutting away the excess and examining what you want to hold onto. Examine those who are interested in working with you with discernment and only keep those you are sure of. Be like a laser beam and examine everything with discriminating wisdom. By a surgeon and cut away anything that could possibly infect your future dream. Polish and sheen what remains until is shines with the beauty of a diamond gem. Your project or dream should now be very clear in your mind. In the one sitting ceremony do offerings. Watering the world-seeds here means giving offerings to the fire, and singing to feed the energy of your dream. You can also danse and pray, you are giving energy to the dream by offering of yourself in song, danse and prayer and of course offerings. You can also at this point take an oath to give time or money to a similar project. This is a very powerful offering and will deeply nourish your dream. Be mindful that you need to follow through! Not fulfilling an oath has dire consequences.
4th step – The butterfly is beautiful and the colors are magnificent! See it flying of its own volition. The project, your dream, your world-seed has been born. In the ceremony see your dream already there, already manifest, already real, already there in all its magnificence.
Close the ceremony with a chant and a final offering to the fire.
The story of what happened in the ceremony to create Invocation Canada, a teaching in itself, will have to wait next week.
Love and Light to all!