You need to read last weekend’s article to understand this one.

There are several ways to emphasize and amplify the positive imprints that will fulfill your needs and desires. The fundamental is that you give what you want to receive.  Let’s give a few examples.

Let’s say you wish to succeed in your business.  The goal of all businesses is to make money.  Thus, you choose a friend who also needs to make some money and invite him to have some tea or coffee and there help him in finding ways to promote his ability to make more money.  If you wish to find healing, go give some volunteer time in a hospital or assist a therapist or clinic.  The type of giving will mature and blossom in the same type of situation.  A carrot seed won’t give you apples!  The principle here is the same.

There are further ways to ensure that your world seeds, these good deeds that you do, will produce the fruit you want to manifest!  That is the beauty of the Tibetan and Native teachings. If you persevere and do this the right way, the results are guaranteed. In this article we will begin with the Tibetan way. Next week we’ll look at the Native way. I’ve had great success with both. I can even share the story of how the Indigenous ceremony I performed to create Invocation Canada gave its incredible results. Very enlightening. But that’s fpr next week. For now lets look at the Tibetan way.  (Remember the Tibetan and Native American people are very close to each other in their ways and their recognition of each other.)

The Tibetan technique is a four-step method.

The first step is to have a clear intention. That what you want is also beneficial to those around you. And that it’s really something that’s going to be beneficial to you also! Always be careful of what you wish for.  There are many stories of people wishing for the impossible and then going through terrible ordeals to find themselves receiving what they wanted when they could no longer benefit from it.  Be clear and be mindful. Write it down.

2nd step. Choose someone or an organization in which to plant your wish, your world seed. It has to be in the human world.  Although giving or helping animals may create good karma they won’t give the same results as helping other people.  Remember the carrot and apple seeds.  Find someone who needs something similar to what you want.

3rd step. Help them. Do what you can to bring them loving kindness, joy, compassion, money or whatever it is you want to receive.

4th step- Water the seed.  In the evening when you’ve given to others in the context of your planned intention or wish, be happy about it. Remember your good deeds and celebrate them in your mind before going to sleep.

Be perseverant.  It won’t happen in a day, yet results will be there on your path.

See you next week for the more complex and intricate Native teaching on the Ceremony to Realize your Dreams.

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