Photo by Alexandr Gerdt on Unsplash

Since the arrival of Europeans in the Americas, especially in Canada and the United States, there has been a constant policy and attempt at physical and cultural genocide. It’s more insidious today, but it continues.

As a result, many traditions and spiritual teachings have been lost. Let’s not forget that for many years these two immigrant countries forbade the practice of indigenous spirituality by First Nations people under penalty of imprisonment, which was the equivalent of a death sentence at the time. So, there are many areas of forgetting and loss in the continuity of the spiritual teachings of our peoples.

The same thing happened in Tibet. On the other hand, by migrating to Nepal and India, the Tibetans have preserved their spirituality with far more integrity than our peoples.

In my search for the original teachings of my native ancestors, I was forced to draw from several nations in order to build a coherent, holistic teaching. I have also been inspired by Eastern spirituality.

The Source of Being is the same for all. There is a primordial unity that connects us all. By bringing together the spiritualities of many peoples, I’ve come up with a holistic teaching that holds together, that has a solid foundation, that leads to where we need to go as humanity on our beautiful planet.

Each year, through spiritual practice and the study of sacred texts, I deepen my understanding of the beauty way. Evolution is accelerating. We’re living in a unique moment in the history of this 4th world, which is rapidly entering the 5th world in the coming years. We’ll see what it’s made of, but one thing is clear to me: Ascension, the culmination of our evolution as human beings into a state of pure light, is no longer dependent on a particular spirituality. We’re reaching a unified planetary spirituality. What has been most neglected, in my opinion, are the spiritual sciences of the First Nations, the indigenous peoples of the planet. Because what I realize after interacting with shamans from Africa, South America, Japan, New Zealand, Morocco, Mongolia, and of course Canada and the United States, is that shamanism is universal. Its ways of doing things, its trappings, its customs, its techniques, etc. vary from one people to another, but its fundamentals are the same everywhere. Let me summarize. All shamanism communicates with invisible beings, the spirits of nature, places and ancestors. All shamanisms manifest powers that cannot be explained by current science. All shamanisms emphasize community, nature, respect for elders, respect for women, respect for individual freedom, and the infinite power of the human spirit.

That’s what I wanted to share with you, because in my journey I make that connection. I feel like bridge between the world of yesterday and the world of tomorrow. I understand more and more the importance of the unity and synergy that can exist between all the spiritualities of the world. This unity is not achieved through a system or a religion, but only through experience. As demonstrated in my teachings and ceremonies, all of nature participates with us when we practice the ancient ways. Today we can unite for peace, light, love, truth, joy, compassion and equanimity. May the serenity of ultimate truth enlighten you in these blessed days.



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