Autumn rains down on the land, and squash, Jerusalem artichokes and other vegetables are harvested on my domain and stored for the long winter months. The beauty of the thousand flamboyant colors of autumn leaves in Quebec makes the landscape brilliant, and it’s impossible to ignore that winter is on its way.
There are seasons in human life too. In the past, we had rites of passage to help us live through these transitions and all that they entail in life. Particularly at puberty, when the responsibility of carrying and caring for life becomes crucial to family harmony. The absence of this rite of passage has far-reaching consequences! How many single-parent families do we see, how many broken families, how many women who have not been respected and accompanied, how many men without an understanding of their responsibilities?
To understand and live well the seasons of human life, we need to understand the full extent of our manifestation. We are much more than a body. We have our emotions, our heart, our innate and spiritual sense of ethics and morality, our knowledge and our beliefs. We have our ancestors, our spiritual lineages, our links with country and geography, with the elements, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, all part of our manifestation. All of this is highly complex, which is why the great original, indigenous traditions have, over the centuries, elaborated rites of passage. Thanks to these rituals, they were able to transmit an enormous mass of knowledge and understanding in the space of a few days. That’s why there was no adolescence among traditional natives. Boys and girls became mature women and responsible men in a matter of days, thanks to these rites.
The elder’s rite of passage, that time in life where they share their knowledge, illustrates the loss of wisdom typical of our times. Instead of honoring, accompanying and learning from their elders, a moment in life that was highlighted by a beautiful rite of passage, today’s families very often isolate their elders in retirement homes where they are very often left alone and abandoned.
We can change all that. Yes, we need to change the trajectory we’ve taken. It’s the role of the ancient wisdoms to show the way. Knowledge is still there. All we have to do is listen to it, honor it and put it into practice.
The liberation of humanity is underway. The old systems cling desperately to the old evil, its wars and lies. But the irresistible rise of truth and light is scattering the shadows. But how the transition will take place remains to be seen.
Whether we will trust those who carry the ancient traditions and update them for our times remains to be seen. To tell the truth, I’m divided in my assessment of what’s happening. Perhaps even more disasters and deep-state drifts, like covid, will be needed for more humans to wake up. There are blessed places… There are more and more awakened people. I’d love nothing more than to share the ancient wisdom.
I am happy and at peace with the sacred path of my ancestors, what some call the good red road, the beauty way. It’s good to look at all I’ve been able to accomplish in a single lifetime. I understand by looking at the past and all that our world has to go through that I have done my part and that there is no greater wealth than having helped others and defended truth and freedom.
It’s important to understand that it’s not just science that helps us to live, but that wisdom and ancestral knowledge are vital, because they are our foundation, our essence, our source as humans. The ancient wisdoms were a threat to the control over humans sought by the minions of the deep state. But that time is over. How will the transition take place? How will we recover the millennia-old wisdoms that created harmony, joy, love, peace and prosperity in families and communities?
The rites of passage will return. But how this will be actualized is a question for which I have no answer.
Joy, Light, Love and Light to all.
Is there as ritual to assist the dying in crossing over? Thanks for the thoughtful article. Sally
Yes of course. it is a very important rite of passage. From this world to the next. So much to say….