Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash

One of the most overlooked aspects of healing is the reality of the intelligence of the human body. The body knows how to heal itself. In fact, every cell in the body has precise information about how to heal itself. That’s why it’s so important to understand why the body can be sick and how it can heal itself.

In the past, when our people lived in close symbiosis with nature, there were few or no toxins, and food was natural and of high quality. What’s more, through centuries of living in harmony with nature and with an extraordinary oral tradition, communities had a great deal of nutritional knowledge about what was good for health and which herbs could cure common ailments. At that time, the causes of illness were as follows

1- Being in disharmony and/or conflict with family, friends and/or community;

2- Being in disharmony with one’s life purpose, not being committed to it, and/or not realizing it;

3- Having committed disrespectful acts in sacred places or having angered nature spirits by disrespectful gestures or words.

4- Breaking clan or spiritual society taboos.

5- Violent gestures or words of contempt toward those weaker than oneself.

In the past, healers first sought to identify the cause of dis-ease, since the solution depended on its cause. Therefore, in traditional societies, the healer was a doctor, psychologist, mediator, shaman, priest, herbalist, and even the father and mother of the person to be comforted.

Today, however, we’re dealing with a very different dynamic. Toxins are everywhere: in the air, in the water, in homes, buildings and food. There are myriad sources of stress. Food is devitalized and full of chemical elements, even organic food. What’s more, the information we get comes from the companies that sell the food and is often false and misleading. Many ingredients are refined and grown without human contact, sometimes genetically modified. Of the tens of thousands of plant species that were once used as food, only about 150 are still readily available. In the Americas, each nation had and used over a thousand plant species for food. People no longer have community support, often no family support, clans have disappeared, and the workplace is often dehumanized. Religions have replaced true spirituality to the point that many people have chosen to have none. As a result, ethics, morality, and simple kindness have fled! The medical industry is creating a monopoly with well-funded lobbies passing laws banning this and that, especially natural approaches to healing. Even the word healing has been banned when talking about natural methods and products! Many beneficial plants and important therapeutic products have been banned. Chemical drugs and invasive procedures sometimes do more harm than good. Medical errors are one of the leading causes of death. The number of sick people, the number of diseases, and their severity are constantly on the rise. Science had many promises, yet the reality is quite different.

The solution is simple. We must return to nature and community. We need to build family domains. And in the meantime, there’s a very simple principle that can do a lot of good.

The body knows how to heal itself. It often fails to do so because it’s too intoxicated. Thus, for most simple illnesses like the flu, colds, ear infections, respiratory infections, and others, the first step is to relieve the body. Give it time off to renew itself. You need to rest in every sense of the word, and most importantly, stop eating solid food! The body cannot eliminate toxins and digest food at the same time. In order to eliminate what is preventing healing, it must be able to cleanse itself. There are all kinds of fasts and cures. Fever must be starved, as the saying goes. Purification through fasting and cures is a fundamental and universal hygienic practice. Even animals know this. An injured or sick animal stops eating goes into complete rest, in a hole or whenever possible, down in the mud. Clay is one of the most important sources of natural healing.

I personally use what its creator called “The MASTER CLEANSER”. I do a 10-day cure with a mixture of water, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. A little bit of all of this in water all day long for 10 days. I also add herbal teas and other natural products that fit the specific problem I have. But whatever the method, it’s the principle here that’s useful. Let the body cleanse itself. Stop eating and exhausting it. Rest and let it do its thing.  Don’t overload it with food – on the contrary, give the digestive system a rest so that it can cleanse itself and then devote itself to healing what’s wrong. The body knows what to do.

We live in a very intelligent animal that manages to survive all the hardships, toxins, and pollution that the world throws at it today. It’s quite extraordinary, near incredible! Be grateful and thank your body. Smile to it! It’s also wise to cleanse it regularly. We need to cleanse the colon with enemas or colonic irrigation, cleanse the liver, take rest breaks breathing fresh air and walking in nature. Never eat to fullness. It’s simple, it’s common sense. It’s the wisdom of the ancients. It’s always time to return to the wisdom of the past, because it’s what countless generations of our ancestors have acquired and passed on for the good and health of future generations.

Have a good weekend!

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