In my reflections this week, inspired by some reading on traditional Tibetan Buddhist medicine, it occurred to me that if we could work in concert with official medicine and traditional medicine, we would achieve far more effective results than we’re currently seeing. And at a much lower cost!

The modern world is conducive to diseases, epidemics and pandemics. The further we move away from nature and the thousands of years of empirical traditions that have evolved in the direction of what does the most good and promotes health, the greater the problems. The medical industry is not about health. It’s about making a profit. There’s no profit in offering simple, cheap, effective remedies when you can sell expensive drugs that cause side effects, the source of future profits! The same goes for the food industry. That’s why we have junk food. Through advertising and propaganda, they can steer people’s food choices in the direction of greater profits. But it’s the people who suffer. This situation has been getting worse for centuries. A person’s health is his freedom. If you want to control people and profit from them, you make them as sick and unhealthy as possible. That makes them easier to manipulate.

Since the violation of our freedoms has reached such extreme levels with the covidiotie, the awakening of consciousness in many people gives us hope that we will succeed in reversing this trend. I foresee a joint research project with several traditional medical disciplines, especially those of Asia[1], whose medicine is older, and the indigenous peoples with their herbalism and shamanism. By comparing remedies and related methods, with allopathic medicine as a supporting method of documentation and symptoms control, we could use this research to develop a universal planetary medicine with maximum effectiveness. It’s a huge project that would take many years, but what incredible benefits we could reap from it!

Today it’s important to achieve planetary unity, not with a globalist, transhumanist vision, but respecting the specificity of each nation’s culture and traditions. We have more in common than differences. We are all human beings with the same basic needs. Today’s technologies have eliminated distance, but pollution and conflict transcend borders. The next step in the evolution of our humanity is to reconcile a planetary consciousness with respect for the specific traditions, cultures, beliefs and spiritualities of each people. We will either find unity, or it will be nature itself that cleans up the mess.

There are those who profit from our disunity and conflict. But the vast majority of people on Earth are simply looking for a happy life with their family and friends, and if possible on a land where nature is beautiful and fertile. It is up to us today to find ways to heal our societies from the greed of those who don’t care about the little people. Living according to the wisdom of our ancestors, a wisdom adapted to the modern world, is the ideal we should pursue.

One of the tools that could make things easier would be to agree on truth as the basis of knowledge. Confusion is deliberately maintained at all levels by the globalists and the governments in their pay. A critical examination of so-called scientific sources shows this beyond doubt. The elitism and closed mindedness of the academic institutions of the degenerate West also bear ample witness to this. The first step is to agree on what is true. The reality of what a human being is. The truth of what a human body is, a human heart, a human mind, a human soul, freedom and what that means for our ongoing evolution and development, and so on and so forth.

In this spirit, I transcribe here for your consideration an excerpt from my book The Philosophy of Nature.

The Truth

Man must learn to see truth in reality and the reality of truth.

In my understanding of truth, I’ve come to realize that it can be expressed in infinite ways. We can compare truth to a precious jewel cut into a thousand facets, reflecting light in all the colors of the rainbow. To see and understand truth, we must look at it from every angle, from every facet.

Yet it is one. It applies equally to all human beings. However, in its manifestation in the real world, it is infinite! There is no end to the ever-beautiful variety of expressions of the Primordial Intelligence in creation. It’s only when we understand the Eternal that truth is revealed in the beauty of its incredible diversity.

Nothing is more important in our quest for peace and health for the whole earth than the concept of truth. Truth truly liberates Man[2]. A person who understands the world will be able to face all the circumstances of his life because he will always know what is right and good to do. All of creation will help him in his actions and in his life. The only suffering and obstacles to his happiness will be those who are not in and with the Truth.

Truth is one and therefore accessible to all people. It is expressed in an infinite variety of nuances within creation, human communities and societies. This is one of the easiest ways to determine whether a concept is true. Its validity can be verified by thousands of examples. Truth is an everyday reality, a bit like a tree that never stops spreading more and more branches and roots in all directions.

To understand truth holistically, we must look at it from many different angles, always returning to the Oneness to verify its accuracy.

Man is an integral part of the Oneness that is Truth. So is all creation. Knowing how to read this truth in the world is both simple and infinitely complex. In this way we can also understand that the evolution of humanity and our souls will never end. It is an immortal and eternal process.

[1] I’m thinking in particular of Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Tibetan Buddhist medicine, which are among the most effective medicines in the world. Without neglecting new approaches, of course! In response to the growing dis-ease of our populations, these are springing up everywhere in response to the needs of our suffering humanity. There’s just about everything in there, but there are also some real gems.
[2] Man with a capital M indicates Women and Men in their divine identity.  To simplify the writing.

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