We always harvest the seeds we have sown into the world, in other people, family and even animals. What we need the most, what this world needs more than anything else, is loving kindness!

How good does it feel when we have a loving person bestow affection and care on us! What more would we want? It gives us hope, strength, health, love, beauty, confidence in ourselves and others. It promotes peace, joy, and more loving kindness.

Our current world doesn’t teach us loving kindness. Its educational systems, legal system and economy are based on punishment and reward. In the first year of school young children experience that they are judged, graded, given marks and grades not on who they are, which is unique to all individuals, but on their academic results. Thus, not on who they really are, but on what the educational system wishes to program in them. That conditioning is getting used to the slave world of working from 9 to 5 most of their given days. Obvious, as it’s a given that children would rather play outside than sit behind a desk all day. Thus, where is loving kindness in a world where grades, rewards and punishments are given out without consideration on who we really are, deep down, within? Not surprising that our world is ridden with crime, wars, corruption, strife, violence and so on and so forth.

Every single day of our lives we can change it all. In a simple, easy, rewarding way. Let us bestow loving kindness on all those who are in our lives. Let us smile at all those whom we meet on the street, in the stores and in our institutions. Let us sow the seeds of loving kindness all around and contemplate and enjoy the fruition and growth of loving kindness in the world around us. We can all change this world.

Don’t forget to set an intention to your acts of loving kindness! They produce great results. If you set an intention, as your thoughts do create the world, these acts of loving kindness produce effects that will be beneficial to what you would like to create in your life. Also don’t forget to recognize and be happy at the end of the day that you did do good deeds. Even a heart felt smile to a perfect stranger can produce beautiful results. Take joy in reflecting on this at the end of the day as it will give you incentive to continue producing beauty and love in the world.

With love and affection on this rainy Saturday. Have a nice restful weekend!

Light and Peace to all.

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