I’m feeling good about the future of humanity. It’s been a while now that this feeling has not been very prevalent with recent events worldwide. Yet, on a wider scale I’ve also been made aware of significant advances in our move to global stability and health, for us and the environment. We are adding our little grain of sand to these ventures and I would start today by mentioning those.
Gaia.com is airing a 9-part series on Crystals: Healing, Manifestation and Alchemy. I’m one of the experts giving discourse on this discipline along with several other experts from different traditions. They have really done something nice with this. Thus, I feel it’s the right time to offer the opportunity to train more practitioners in this healing art. I’ll be going to Calgary, Alberta, Canada in October to teach the full crystal intensive for the first time in western Canada and in English. We are going to film it and make it available online in 2024. We are looking to find people with experience in filming such events and all it entails. Please communicate with me if you feel called to this.
Of course, the energy work and working with students in perfecting the healing modalities cannot be done online, but the basics are important to know. Our techniques and philosophy around crystal healing are, in my humble opinion, safer and more effective than what some of the new age fads are pushing. Other traditions have good ways also. The Ayurvedic method present on the gaia.com series is really very effective, but also very expensive. Having perfect gems with no inclusions cut to jewel specific metrics, tuned to your Vedic astrology chart; wonderful but not a simple process. The Native way is simple, effective, has proven its effectiveness over many generations of Indigenous medicine people and can be utilized at a very low cost. I’ll explain this in more detail in the intensive and, of course, there is a lot of information on the gaia.com series and in my book FIRST NATIONS CRYSTAL HEALING.
All our relations is a Native saying, an Indigenous way of including in our community minded language the denizens of the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom and the elemental kingdom. We do consider the elements, fire, wind, earth and water, to have consciousness. We are able to communicate in certain ways with them and in this way have an influence on healing and on the weather. Nothing new here . . . white people may often have laughed and made fun of our rain dances but it’s very useful to be able to bring rain to a land afflicted with drought. How do you think the Hopi nation is able to sustain itself through agriculture in an American south-western semi desert environment? We remember the old ways. Not many people today are aware that everything is alive. The crystals are no exception. We can communicate with the stones and they can become very good friends who require very little care yet still do need to be treated appropriately. Wisdom . . . that’s what’s needed today.
Thus, we are creating a new business model to promote products imbued with consciousness under the name WISDOM BRANDS. Crystals, jewelry, organic clothing, aromatherapy perfumes, teachings, food, books and philanthropic ventures called The Elders Sanctuary and Restoration Earth. We are now in the process of putting up our social media to attract donors and collaborators to our work towards healing our relationship with the earth, the ecology and all our relations. The first ones that were completed this week to portray my work are facebook.com/lukeblueeagle and youtube.com/@lukeblueeagle. More to come.
I’ve written several books in French and have translated several of them. The first one to be published in English by Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. is the crystal book that you can find on blueeaglecrytals.com. I’m looking to publish my books in english on The Totem Animals and The Beauty Way (North American Indigenous rituals and spiritual philosophy) at a publishing house interested in this. Maybe a literary agent? Work in progress.
Love and Light to all! May you have a beautiful and restful weekend.
Luke Blue Eagle
Good afternoon, I study and practice hypnosis for healing purposes to help people with their difficulties and problems that they bring to me in trust and would like to be more informed on crystal healing. I accidentally stumbled across your book in a book used book store and immediately felt a tremendous energy and cannot put the book down. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and clarity. On another note can I join your course in October on Line as I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Have a wonderful day.