If we were still living in the heart of nature like the indigenous nations before the arrival of the European colonizers, in harmony with life on this marvelous planet, we would notice the following conditions: our body would be well-proportioned, there would be no obesity, no bald people, very few infirmities, very few diseases, a great physical strength, an exceptional endurance, an adaptation to the environment so we would almost never be too cold, never too hot, the body knowing how to adapt itself, because its in contact with the elements. There would definitely be very little stress on a daily basis. We would always be close to our family, with several generations around us, time to cultivate varied and very rich friendships and have a special communication with our ancestors and the invisible spirits that inhabit nature. Our mental capacity would also be much greater, our memory exceptional and the speed of our thinking unmatched compared to the poor students of today. Spirituality would be at the center of our lives with many ceremonies and rituals in harmony with the cycles and entities of nature. We would be free, with no taxes, no obligations to anyone other than the obligations we freely accept out of love for our family and community. We would be proud and dignified, honorable and honest, our given word more dependable than any signed contract.
I could go on and on… There is a truth that permeates First Nations spirituality. It is called the Beauty Way. What artist could paint the beauty of a sunset that changes every minute, the flawless beauty of nature? Who has not felt the harmony of nature in the beauty of animals, birds, flowers and the infinite landscapes that it offers us in constant and perpetual transformation? The beauty of nature reflects the immutable order of creation, the harmony of universal laws. These laws, this order, this harmony exists in beauty, because it responds to precise laws, unchanging, but in continuous and infinite variations that always meet the same criterion: beauty. Whether it is the spiral of a galaxy or the swirl of water around a rock in the middle of a large stream, the same laws demonstrate an immutable truth: what is true is beautiful! Now look at the modern world which praises progress with great media hype: many handicaps, much obesity, incredible pollution, many diseases, senility, many foul places, foul-smelling garbage dumps, contaminated lands, injustice, dishonesty, crimes, corruption and I could go on and on…
Man is defined by his relationship with the earth. The system that seeks to control us and dictate how we should live, what we should eat and even how to manage our sexual orientation is constantly fooling us and lying to us. Indeed, we have been conditioned and programmed for thousands of years to believe in an external authority … which is contrary to the freedom and autonomy of a true Man. The same laws that govern nature are inscribed in our soul, our heart and our mind and not in this system that pollutes our minds, body and mother earth.
The truth is always there. Nature endures. Beauty smiles upon us and shows us the way to reality and truth. Great sages and enlightened beings have shown us the way out of this morass. But it is also simple to find it by ourselves, just by looking around us at the truth, the beauty, the goodness, the love, which can be translated in a simple sentence that all Men and Women of the planet must relearn: the earth belongs to me and I belong to the earth.
We will find our way back to life in fullness. The planet and its elements will help us to achieve this. Each of us can also contribute in a very simple way. Increase the life in you and around you. Take care of your health, not only physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual. Grow sprouts and germinations for your food and take care of your garden. Constantly increase the amount of food you produce yourself. Man is defined by his relationship with the earth and the other lives around him. If you increase biodiversity, you are Co-creator of the earthly paradise and you accumulate the skills that make you a creator. For we are in the image of the Great Spirit, creators of universes in training. The earth is our school. Most of us are still in kindergarten, but hey, it takes what it takes. We can’t go from kindergarten to university! : D We will return hundreds and even thousands of times to the planet earth school, and other planets as well, before we overcome the need to understand life in physical matter and move on to a life in the spirit and light of the forces of creation.
One day humanity will understand that technology is not necessary and that it creates barriers between us and nature. Nature teaches us universal laws on all levels, not just mental ones. Let’s rediscover the simplicity of living in the harmony of the beautiful nature that surrounds us. One step at a time. Each moment being in our own nature. Your body responds to the same laws. Living in the present while being aware of the world around us. It’s simple… But it’s great, in the magnitude of the universe, because being in connection with the earthly world, our body within this world, the nature around us and within us, even the plants and stones in the house, this connects us with everything.
For more thoughts on this subject I suggest my book The Philosophy of Nature.
Peace, Love and Joy.