Dear dedicated readers!
I am truly grateful for your loyalty to my blog. I have not really been active here in the last few years. The aberrant decisions of governments around the world and the weight of the persecution against my fellow healers and myself have diminished my ability to serve those who seek alternative ways and a philosophy conducive to the healing of humanity and mother earth. But in recent months I have received the promise of greater support for my vocation to serve the ancient primordial wisdom of indigenous peoples. Perhaps I will be able to return to service… I hope so. We shall see.
The traditions and philosophies of the primordial peoples are still relevant today. If we look at the reality of the world we see that shamanism is universal, common to all indigenous nations on all continents of the earth. Faced with the inexorable onslaught of destructive civilizations, they all try to hold on to their traditions and territories and only submit against their will to the violence and brutality of the colonizing nations. The harmony that exists between nature and these original peoples, as well as the maximum physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and development that these peoples demonstrate, confirms that this way of life is much more favourable to human life, to the living beings of nature and to planetary equilibrium. The persecution against these wisdom keepers continues … in spite of the alleged evolution of human rights. In any case, if we look at the proliferation of increasingly destructive wars that afflict humanity, we understand that this civilized way of life is doomed to self-destruction. We also know that the earth and its elements will one day say, ENOUGH! Then, civilized governments, no matter what their technologies may be, will be very small when confronted with the fury of the waters, the fires, the winds and the earth under their feet.
Meanwhile, we continue to work as silently and discreetly as possible. We seek to survive so that the teachings do not die out. The sacred fire is fed by our daily practices and we preserve the original wisdom by applying them in all areas of our activities.
In short, I hope to be at your service again soon. In any case, I have trained a new generation of shamanic practitioners and they are hard at work!
Thus, the opportunity here today to convey information about a beautiful retreat organized by yoga expert and long-time student of my teachings. She includes many of my teachings and tools in her offerings. See below.
I ask for your prayers and good thoughts that I may receive the help I need to continue my mission for conscious humanity, the earth, the the biosphere and all our relations.
I had an interview on the crystal quest channel on Healthy Life Radio about my book on crystals. Here is the link to the show. You can put it on your website or social media.
May Joy, Peace and Love be with you always.
Blue Eagle

Sunday, September 25th
Enjoy a one day getaway
to Recharge & Reset
in Gore, Laurentians, Quebec
With Laura Warf, co-
• Take time out temporarily from your intellect and the busy-ness of our minds and life.
• Move your body, calm your mind and soothe your soul.
• I promise you will be smiling from the inside out!Peace and pleasure guaranteed