The keywords for mouse medicine are trust, innocence, love and attention to detail.
The mouse is associated with the South. It symbolizes the trust and innocence that give the energy of faith, that faith that can move mountains. It is also the confidence and innocence of childhood. Those who have the mouse medicine keep a youthful mind when they consider their surroundings. They pay attention to the details to better understand. The little mouse, when intrigued by a seed or an object it has found, takes it to its den to examine it later to understand it better. People with the mouse totem are sometimes said to be hoarders, accumulating to the point of clutter, but this is not the case. The mouse arranges everything in an order that allows it to quickly find what it is looking for. It collects not to accumulate, but to understand better things at a later time. Thus, the mouse presides over education, since one of the attributes of education is the classification of knowledge.
Also the person who has mouse medicine is very organized. They can be very useful in any group, but sometimes some will find their talents frustrating. This is because they will notice the smallest detail that does not fit into a project and will keep coming back to it until they are satisfied.
People with mouse medicine have very little ego, and once we are used to their sometimes annoying thoroughness, they are quite pleasant to be around.
Mice are very useful for the ecology: they aerate the soil by making holes everywhere. They are the main food for a large number of predators, due to their prolific reproduction.
The mouse-man is a person capable of an extraordinary level of concentration, and will excel in any work that focuses on details: scientific research, accounting, organization of complex projects, information management…
The Mouse Woman is an outstanding housekeeper, always active. Nothing escapes her in her environment, which enables her to create extremely beneficial living environments.
The main fault of people who have mouse medicine is that they do not see the big picture. They don’t know how to stand back and sometimes get caught by the eagle because they are too attentive to the little seeds on the ground. On the other hand, their love and trust allow for endless abundance that guarantees the continuity of their families forever.
Use mouse medicine to cultivate love for your family and compassion for your neighbor. Use its medicine to regain confidence in life and to increase your thoroughness in work and efficiency in domestic and professional organization.