Shamanism is universal. Some people today call themselves shamans, but don’t really understand shamanism and use this word to describe the gifts they have. Traditional First Nations shamans after centuries of persecution and a century of residential schools are very rare and most do not dare to work openly. Many do not want to teach white people and I understand them, although I don’t agree. The prophecies tell us that we must help this world to see the unity of humanity with nature. Thus, for many years I was alone on this path. I was slandered, attacked, defamed and persecuted by Quebecers, the Canadian government and even by some First Nations who had lost touch with the spirituality of their origins. But I continued, faithful to my life mission as given and confirmed by my ancestors. I’ve met shamans and medicine people from many nations and countries around the world. To understand that we are not alone and that we all understand each other, illuminates the wisdom of these ancient traditions. There is a fundamental unity that we all share, that of the drum and communicating with our ancestors and the spirits of nature. However, each culture and each shaman have different ways of proceeding and communing with spirit. The ceremonies are different, the ceremonial clothing is different, but the spirit that animates us is the same. Shamanism exists in every indigenous nation in the world. It’s universal. It is the fundamental original spirituality of humanity. That is why it has been so persecuted by governments and religions. These dark forces want to enslave humanity. Shamanism leads to autonomy, liberty and unity with nature.
We have endured and we will always be here. Nothing can eliminate spirit. It’s eternal. Nothing can extinguish the truth. It’s like the sun in the sky, nothing escapes its gaze. All of us, with what remains of our ancestral traditions, will survive the purification of humanity and the earth.
This is not the first time that the earth has been cleansed of a humanity that has lost its way. Our traditions (First Nations of America) dating back some 127,500 years, have preserved the memory of these cleansings[1]. We are entering the 4th planetary purification in these end-of-cycle days. The history of civilizations documents the fundamental error of a human organization where there is hierarchy. The domination by an elite over the people, whether military, monarchy, economic, tyrannical or governmental, is unnatural. This way of life creates suffering, racism, wars, diseases, poverty, etc. I could go on and on. The 24 civilizations that have seized power in the last 12,000 years have all fallen one after the other[2]. The natural, aboriginal way of life of all indigenous communities around the world has lasted for millennia as they are in harmony with nature. Nature reflects the laws of the universe. So when humanity loses its way, the earth is purified. Since this present civilization has become global, a small clique of people with so much financial power that they are beyond control, this is the only way out. This earth cleansing has been foretold by prophecy. It is accelerating every month.
How can we escape this brutal and blind globalist civilization? Simply, on a daily basis, by cultivating one’s garden. We must return to nature. The truth is there in the world around us. Shamanism is a way to reactivate the communion and communication with the spirits of nature. In this, it is of great importance in a world that seeks to regain health, harmony and a meaning to life. In this, the perpetuation of this mode of spiritual expression that is common to all indigenous nations around the world is the only spiritual path that offers true solutions to this globalist civilization that is destroying life-giving ecosystems.
I have given all of my life over to training with spiritual elders and practicing shamanism. I have developed a synthesis of North American First Nations shamanism. I have trained a new generation to continue my work and to accompany those who are training in initiatory shamanism. For those who are interested, you can access these teachings and shamanic practitioners on [3]. For those who have access to people from indigenous nations around the world who practice ancestral shamanism you are privileged as these people are very few today. Do support and protect them, as the trend in the world today is to eliminate them. Few people give them the respect that these women and men who dare to offer the wisdom of the origins to a world in perdition deserve. Their knowledge is the key to a new earth.
[1] Vine Deloria “God is Red”
[2] Arnold Tybee « A Study of History »
[3] The core of the teachings were given in French as I’m from Native and French Canadian origin. We have only one workshop at this time given in English and only one bilingual shamanic practitioner. We are currently looking at ways to offer these teachings to a group of English speaking participants so as to record them in English.