The planetary transformations foreseen by First Nations’ prophecies are slowly being fulfilled. The laws of the universe are inescapable. If Man does not respect nature, if he pollutes and destroys, if he lives in corruption, avarice, pride and individualism, the universe and its law with make things right. The earth will be purified.
The planetary transformations foreseen by First Nations’ prophecies are slowly being fulfilled. The laws of the universe are inescapable. If Man does not respect nature, if he pollutes and destroys, if he lives in corruption, avarice, pride and individualism, the universe and its law with make things right. The earth will be purified. Since Man seems incapable of extricating himself from the madness into which he has sunk, the elements will do the job. It has already begun and will accelerate in the coming decade. The big blow, the reversal of the poles, probably between 10 to 20 years from now. No one really knows, only that it’s coming.
I started writing a New Year’s message in the joy of communicating with you. I quickly realized that the realities of the past year and the coming year are very dark and in any case inevitable. Yet joy accompanies those who live and work for life and nature.
The priority of any conscious human in these days of transition is saving the planet. Since the governments that control us are under the influence of occult (hidden) powers that want to reduce humans to the state of a half-robotic slaves, devoid of spirituality, in poor health, with no connection to nature or meaningful relationships, it’s only with spirit and through spirit that we can work to maintain our quality of True Human Beings. Our gardens and family domains are the priority as well as our spiritual practices, those that are still alive and from ancestral lineages. In fact, the farther we travel in the past, the more we find fulfilled human beings, healthy, very strong and powerful bodies, in love with their families and communities, in balance with nature, very spiritual (and not religious) with very true and useful life sciences.
The conscious people with whom I speak find that it’s impossible to talk with people conditioned and programed by the current global system. They are closed-minded and fear lives in their hearts. Nothing can penetrate their subtle senses because they have been extinguished. They don’t want to know the truth of our situation, because their whole artificial world, in which they have placed their faith, would collapse before their eyes. So they cling fiercely to their illusions and become dangerous agents of the dark forces without being aware of it. They are ready to denounce their neighbor, reject their families, live without principles, morals, ethics, and conscience, with only the guidance and direction of their governments that have now replaced the religions of the past. They are caught up in a multitude of false pleasures, addictions and dependencies that supplant true joy, true peace and true love. They are not interested in truth only in conforming to what is perceived as the norme. Currently the vast majority of the population fits this definition… Conscious people are few in number. With this coming vaccine, they will be even less human than before.
It is important to see reality. It’s not very pretty in these end-of-cycle days. That is why it is very important to hold the vision of the ideal firmly in our thoughts on a daily basis. Maintaining the vision of a Humanity that lives in community and in harmony with nature, united in joy, true love and peace, is our responsibility. Those days when harmony will reign again will come and we will see them blossom on earth after the Great Purification. Until then it is important to maintain the vision of the ideal, for thought creates our reality. The laws of the Universe are those of Creation and therefore of the Creator. Uniting with His will results in a world at peace, a world of love, a world vibrating with joy. We can co-create with the Creator. This is the time to create the world in your thoughts. You will then be heirs to a world of incredible beauty, endless abundance, a reality imbued with the one truth filled with love and peace.
In fact, this world already exists. We are in the ascension movement, now! I see it blossoming in me and around me every day on my little domain. It is not to a hypothetical elsewhere, but here on earth that ascension is happening. You will see it blossom on your family domains! Nature has not changed… It still reflects the laws of the Creator and shows us the truth every day. This truth leads to a love so great that it leaves us speechless!
May the joy and peace of the light workers be with you!
Courage be with all of you dedicated people.
With all my love
Blue Eagle
Thank you very much