I am feeling great in spite of confinement. Being somewhat of a hermit, doesn’t change much to my days. My inner life has intensified, magnificent discoveries, beautiful meditations and as usual keeping this old body in working order. Spring is finally here still a bit of snow, but we can begin working on the winter compost.
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Here are three links that address the special times in which we live. I might share more with you next week about what I make of it. In the meantime, here are some people which I find have very interesting things to say about these times.
India is using homoeopathy with millions of people against Covid19 with great results.
President Eisenhower was the 34th president of United States, an enlightened man and leader. His granddaughter in this video denounces those who try to enslave humanity and who create so much sufferings with their diseases, medication and other abuse of our human liberties.
Yes we are at the beginning of the planetary purification. The world did not listen to the voices of our Native Elders. It will now reap what it has sown.
More soon.
Be happy, joyful and in love!!
Peace and Light
Blue Eagle