In this month before the annual gathering of the Rainbow family, I’ve received a heartfelt communication by a rainbow brother that brought back many moving memories. The international Rainbow movement-family-tribe-nation are Men and Women of all races who reject the current system. They seek to live as much as possible in unity with nature and peace with all beings. Their existence was predicted by the ancients in many First Nations’ prophecies. In these prophecies that were proclaimed 500 years before the arrival of Europeans in America they were called rainbow warriors. The prophecy said that several generations after the Men from over the great waters came to Great Turtle Island (North America) Men and Women of the white, red, black and yellow races would mix and would make children of all the colours of the rainbow. Among these children there would be those who would vow to protect the earth. They would be called rainbow warriors. This rainbow nation exists, it is international and gathers in all countries of the world every year. I consider myself a member of this nation. The meetings in Quebec are each year in a new place in the wild around the August full moon.
To describe the magic of this nation let us mention that despite the complexity of the gatherings there is no organization. Decisions are taken in the talking circle, in free assemblies where there are no leaders, chiefs or representatives and where any member of the rainbow family can participate. The gatherings happen in nature in wilderness camping and last 28 days—one month. In Quebec there are close to 2000 people going through every year. That is done without organization, without any financing other than that of freely given on site donations. Everyone is fed every day and when the gathering ends there are no debris on site just traces of walking and fires.
The first ones were called “Hippies” by a society who had no idea who they really were. The media never speaks of them as this movement has no organization and escapes all references that might allow the system to understand who these people are. There are some very beautiful films on the rainbow family but they are hard to find. I will never give any other than very general info on the Rainbow Nation. When one belongs to the family, one finds the gathering.
One of the elders who had a deep influence on my work for peace and light and supported me at important times was called Manitonquat. He was a powerful sachem of the Wampanoag Nation. He was there at the first gathering of the rainbow family in 1972, when the first incredible sign appeared on the dawn of the last day of the gathering: an immense white buffalo was drawn by snow on the nearby mountain. Since that gathering many First Nations sages, wisdom holders and medicine people have recognized and supported the rainbow family. Many of them went to teach at the gatherings. Many still do.
One of the most important and revered was David Monongye of the Hopi nation. All my elders spoke of him with high regards. My rainbow brother visited him in his Hotavilla village when he was 117 years old. He was still full of life and love. He was there at the time of the first gathering of the rainbow family in 1972. Here are some words of this great man at the second gathering which was held in New Mexico USA in 1977. It’s not a coincidence that he says things that are similar to what Anastasia speaks of, the same things that I repeat week after week in this blog and my books. Here are the words which continue to resound today from these historical times.
“It is not by accident that the words ’Hopi » and ‘Hippie’ sound alike. We are all people of Peace; we are all working for the same Great Spirit.
‘You cannot rely on banks, or corporations or on government. They will never give you anything. They will never respect you unless you hold territory. You must take back the Earth, peacefully, one piece at a time. Plant seeds, and water them, and make the Earth beautiful again.’ David Monongye of the Hopi nation, New Mexico, USA 1977.