In fact, in spite of its name, the killer whale belongs to the dolphin family. Orcas are apex predators, at the very top of the food chain and knows no enemy at sea. Orcas are enormous, dozens of times bigger than a Man, weighing between 5 and 10 tons. Nevertheless the Klingit and Haïda Indians considers it friendly to men. Orcas lives like wolves, in packs or rather pods as are called the grouping of whales. The name that the First Nations of the West Coast of Canada give Orcas is Black Fish.

The killer whale is very social, very communicative and lives in grouping of matriarchal lineages. It’s the only animal to which scientists attribute a culture, this ensuing from the very sophisticated education in hunting techniques of that the clan mothers teach to the pod’s young. They have a high-level language and the training of the young can last twenty years. Various pods of killer whales can have different cultures and hunting techniques. They can live nearly as old as human beings although generally between 40–65 years. Certain individuals were listed as having reached 80 years of age.

The killer whale is white and black what translates an important metaphysical reality in the understanding of this totem. What at first sight seems to be an apex predator capable of incredible violence and power, afraid of no other, is nevertheless friendly and of a special importance to the First Nations who live close to them. Both colors are the presence of all colors but in opposite polarities. This represents the simultaneous presence of the dark and the light. We all carry within us a black, dark, evil and malefic aspect as well as a luminous, shiny, brilliant and beneficial aspect. The aspect that will the most influence our lives depends on the one that we choose to feed.

It is important to understand the warrior spirit of aboriginal people. The warrior word here does not make reference to war as civilized people understand it. Indeed, the civilized have what is called soldiers, people trained to obey and kill without discussion. The warrior is the one who is victorious of the most powerful enemy there is: oneself. Unlike the soldier the ethical consciousness of the warrior is very developed. He obeys none other than his consciousness. The notion of chief or leader is very different in any aborigine nation’s understanding. The leader is a focalizer, a devoted caretaker who carries out the will of the people. He is not a figure of authority is not there to tell others what to do but to do what the people ask of him.

This places the killer whale in a special perspective: indeed the community and matriarchal nature of the killer whales are similar to that of First Nations. The warrior spirit is very important in any natural community. Indeed how do we learn to serve others if we do not know how to master our own self? Self-control, the importance of personal discipline is a lifelong endeavour. We can never relax our vigilance in our adherence to integrity, loyalty, truth and respect as the dark side in us is always watching for the opportunity to take the reins of our life. That is why community spirit is an essential predominant concern for all aboriginal tribes of the planet. Those whom we love and live with are there to call out to us: “careful there, you’re slipping to the dark side!” In this civilized and individualistic society that has spread to the whole planet, this same civilization that has murdered aborigines on all continents with its myriads of obedient soldiers, we find innumerable manifestation of violence, corruption, crime, sexism, racism, injustice, misery, poverty, destruction of the environment, etc. The dark side is unbridled in civilized societies. Indeed, individualism and the notion of authority and dominion over other human beings typical of civilizations who have soldiers, leads straight to an excessive development of the dark side.

That is why it’s imperative today to remember the importance of community and to put oneself in the service of the community as a community is life and light. Killer whales take care of their young and take many years in teaching them a way of life that benefits the pod.

Those who carry killer whale medicine have great power but really need to put that energy into service to others, family, friends or community. They first have to identify their soul community for lack of an earth-bound community as that way of life has been destroyed today and has been replaced by financial relationships. Once the soul community is identified killer whale people have to put themselves in service to their community, friends and family and defend them from outside forces and the influence of the dark side of things, be it from within or without. This is only possible by exercising the daily discipline of a stable and evolutionary spiritual practice. Indeed, its spiritual practice which allows mastery of one’s being so as to always feed the light within and keep the dark side we all have, at bay.

The woman killer whale is definitely more powerful than the man killer whale. On the other hand, a man killer whale also has fantastic power. For men killer whales they imperatively need to channel their energy into family. They need a spouse, children and put their focus on protecting and feeding them. Their fantastic energy and power will then develop harmoniously and promote life.

Like wolves people with killer whale medicine are great warriors, defenders, team workers, team builders, they develop harmoniously within groups and have great creativity within any organizations. They will make great contributions to any form of teamwork. They can work alone but then will often develop addictions and other ways of channelling their great energy as working alone is not normal or beneficial for them. They can succeed in any field of work as they have great creativity and boundless energy. They just need to align themselves with family, community, an organization or work team and to constantly feed the light within. If their work place is not in harmony with the light or truth, they will become distressed and will eventually need to find another job. They cannot give in to the dark side as when they do the energy they bring to it creates great destruction of themselves or others.

Blue Eagle


10 thoughts on “THE KILLER WHALE OR ORCA— animal totem”

  1. Hello, and thank you for your teachings! I was wondering: I have always felt a connection to orcas, since I was a child, that I couldn’t explain. Moreso than the connection I feel with my pets. Something about the duality of their ferocity and their kindness always stuck with me since I was about 10 years old, and now everything you’ve mentioned about their meaning adds up to my own life lessons, and even vocations (I am a long time singer and a teacher by trade, and have been in a successful search for a community to join, as my bio family is in a heavy healing process from our long history of brokenness). However, I can’t ever recall meeting one in a dream, or even in real life. I am of both African American and European descent, no record of First Nations heritage, but could it still be possible for me to have discovered my guide/ totem/ spirit animal?
    Thank you again for your hard work on this blog and on educating people like me.

  2. Blessings… I give thanks for your teaching on the Orca. She has come to me in dreams and I’ve spoken under water. It’s been a few years and last night she came to me… I was standing at the edge of a dock under the full moon… suddenly hundreds of sea otters popped their heads out and were watching me…. I watched them in awe as the brilliance of Grandmother shone upon them and the ocean.
    Suddenly they disappeared and I felt the shift …. and the majestic, massive Orca came up on my left side… I felt like She was going to swallow me… she didn’t ❤️…. we looked at eachother… I wanted to feed her … give her shrimp which is one of my favorite foods… and then I woke up.
    In your article you explained about the Killer Whale Woman being more powerful than the Killer Whale Man…. and how the Killer Whale man puts his energy into his family and protecting them.
    Could you please share more with me about the Killer Whale Woman?
    Many thanks…

  3. I dreamt that I was flying over a bridge near my town in the north bay of California. As I approached the middle of this long bridge I seen a black and white head poke it’s self up out of the water. It felt like it knew I was coming and wanted to say hi. I waved to it and shouted hello. I also said thank you for acknowledging me because In my dream I knew no one else could see it.

    I wake up and google killer whale medicine and now I’m hear on your site. Everything you said was exactly what my soul needed to here. Thank you for the insight.

  4. Hello Aigle Bleu, greetings from the UK.
    I found your information on orca totems very insightful. I was guided to your page after connecting to an orca during a meditation session (what looked like a calf/juvenile orca from its size swam headfirst towards me out the blue, lingered for a while swimming around me then it retreated back into the depths). Energetically speaking, I feel light and peaceful.
    I’m not sure if I have just been given an introduction to my spirit animal? Or, if the orca symbolised my current attempts at self-healing and restoring family relationships (perhaps both?).
    I would be interested to learn if there are other ways beside meditation where you can connect to your spirit animal?
    Take care.

    • There are many ways to contact the totems. Difficult to teach that on the web…. although I am giving teachings on the web these days. Have a beautiful time with this wonderful community oriented beast. Love the orcas, so beautiful !!! 🙂

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    • I have volontarily chosen to not monetize my blog. This is my sharing vehicule with the public, and all those I’ve seen over the years too numerous to communicate with. I thus offer wisdom, that should be our most important goal in this time of the earth’s life crisis. We need to work together and this is my offering for all. Many products stemming from wisdom have I created and they are all available through links on this blog. Happy reading !


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