On Wednesday evening I participated with great joy and lots of pride to the launching of my last book THE PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE[1]! This is personally very significant and marks an important step in my life. Since the age of 5 I’ve been reflecting on the state of the world and how to bring correctives to our catastrophic situation. Modern technocratic mind-sets bring mostly problems, little joy and lots of work, most often in jobs and environments that are not ideal. If we compare the 35 to 45 hours a week that most people have to comply to, to make ends meet, with that of the relaxing and seasonal tasks which rarely exceed an average of 4 hours a day for aboriginal people, I do not know why we persist in saying that this is progress! In this book I’ve compiled 59 years of thought, research and pondering on the state of the world.
In the course of my research, I came to study indigenous nations as I noticed that many of the problems that we have today did not exist for them. No pollution, very little disease, no hospitals, no epidemics, very few ecological disasters, hardly any crime, no police or army, no powerful or rich people taking advantage of their fellow men, etc. During this quest I was brought to discover the extraordinary spiritual wealth of what is called shamanism. I quickly discovered exceptional abilities for these disciplines and I made it my work. Thus, ever since 1987 I’ve been teaching and healing with the traditions I learned from several Native American elders.
The ceaseless travelling to share this knowledge does undermine the strength and time that I can grant to my practice of initiatory shamanism. So, my progress has always been limited by my work. Now that I will soon retire from this teacher’s career and that I’ve delivered to the world what I consider a firm foundation to start correcting our false conceptions and the erroneous philosophies, The Philosophy of Nature I will be able to dedicate myself to my practice.
I will continue creating products that radiate love, joy, peace and light without leaving my family domain other than going to my office at Invocation which manages my olfactive creations and music. We are currently working to market two new perfumes that are, in my opinion, the best work I’ve done so far: GRACES women’s perfume and TOTEM a men’s perfume. I don’t know when they will be available as general market perfume is quite another level than the Native Essences I’ve created up to now. We’re hoping the summer of 2019. As for the music, I have all my songs to record. I’ve made 8 CDs but I have not produced my songs except two that you will find on YouTube. I want to add arrangements with bass, percussions and the other instruments.
Yet, although I aspire to all this, I’ve still got two tours to be completed. I leave this week for France near Paris to teach for the very last time shamanic healing with crystals, give a conference with my metaphysician friend Frank Hatem, meet my students who are now Certified Shamanic Practitioners in Belgium (Orval) for a sweat lodge and the spring equinox ceremonies. From there I go to Japan to offer teachings organized by Yasushi Sakanoue, a distributor of our Native Essences.
Then in August back to Mongolia to accomplish my vow to a Mongol ancestor and his descendant a Mongol nomadic herder shaman, to support them in their fight to protect Mont Noyon, a sacred mountain that a Canadian mining company, well known for its disregard of Native rights, wants to destroy in search of gold. Our first journey was quickly full up, we had to prepare a 2nd 10 days to welcome those who absolutely wanted to come. We shall have a video team, a documentary will be prepared, I shall inform you on this blog when it’s available.
Then, I’ll finally be able to rest! 🙂
May your last days of winter be peaceful.
I wish you all joy, love and peace!
Blue Eagle
[1] This book will soon be available in english in ebook form, follow this blog to be notified.