This week I finished two books which took me an enormous amount of time these last months. I’ve already mentioned the Philosophy of Nature. I put some excerpts of the introduction and definitions of terms of the Philosophy on the blog these last months. I also finished a thick book, which will have probably be around 400 pages, which is a partial summary of my teachings on shamanism. The Philosophy will be published in February in the Editions du Dauphin Blanc and the eBook before that and Native American Shamanism by Trédaniel Publishing in Paris in March.

I admit that having 2 books at the same time with all my other activities was a lot of work. That’s why the last months have been quiet on the blog. I hope to set more time to write in November.

I have a lot of hope that the Philosophy of the Nature can give us a global vision and unite our efforts of transformation and healing of the world and humanity. We need to be aware that in spite of the will of many to change our way of life which is destroying nature there is no unity in the associations, organizations and others who try to defend the ecology and propose solutions to our wild consumerism which is leading us directly towards death of the earth and all life. All preach for their own organizations or teachings and there is even a lot of rivalry between the various spiritual, ecological groups, etc. Nevertheless those who pollute the most, the huge multinationals, the banks that finance them and governments and the companies which grow rich with our wars and diseases have all a fundamental unity. This unity is created by money. They have enormous financial means and no scruples … How to find unity?  How to change the messages of the media and governments to show the reality of what is happening to our beautiful planet? This is the fundamental reason why I wrote The Philosophy of Nature. But will it be read?

I would like to set up donations to buy and give copies of the book to people who have some influence. . Maybe on social financing platforms? What are your thoughts on this?

My next European tour is in December. It will be in the North towards Lille, towards Brussels and the Alps in France. The information is available on the calendar.

In April I shall be for the first time in Japan where I shall give teachings and concerts. We shall also promote our Native Essences, the shamanic perfumes that I created. Here is the Web site of the tour in Japanese: <http://www.md-aromaoil.com/pg54.html>   

The shamanic journey to Mongolia in august 2018 is nearly full. We already have more than half of participants accepted and registered.

I’m working these days on two new perfumes. They will be a lot more elaborate, more consumer wise, with a more elaborate fragrance architecture like any high quality perfume. They will be encoded as the others with shamanic rituals but will have a classic presentation. We will thus be less marginal and more visible. It’s important that First Nation’s wisdom be recognized and appreciated by the general public and not only by conscious people. They’ll be called GRACES for women and TOTEM for man.

My musical career gets closer and closer every month. So many years I’ve waited for the time when I could dedicate myself  to music. The next concerts will be in Europe in Lille and the Alps. See the calendar.

That’s it for the latest news!

Peace and Light !

Blue Eagle




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