(définitions – continued)
Free Will
It’s very important to understand free will which characterizes Man and differentiates him from the other realms. Indeed, this freedom of choice is unique and leads to very important considerations in our understanding of Man. We know that all other realms follow their original instructions to the letter. We never see a wolf go to the tavern for a beer, a tree trying to grow in the ocean or a stone deciding it wants to change places. Only Man has this choice of going against his original instructions. When Man goes against his original instructions the universe will react with different side effects such as those that we see in current technocratic societies: war, disease, pollution, injustice, segregation, poverty, famine, drought, floods or other ecological disasters. These signs are meant to convey to Humanity and to the individual Man that this is not the right way yet there is no obligation to change ways. This personal and collective freedom is the essential difference between Man and the other realms. We will address this in the section that deals with freedom.
Philosophical Practice
Philosophical practice is a set of intellectual, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual exercises, the function of which is to develop the ability of Man to see, understand and realize a way of life attuned with reality and truth. These educational techniques are intended to develop physical stamina and abilities, emotional balance, mental acuteness, spiritual perception and the elevation of consciousness.
Co creation
We know Man has the ability for invention, he can invent all kinds of things. Co creation pushes this talent even further. It means creating with the understanding of one’s original instructions. It can consist of creating within nature places which correspond to the aspirations of the individual by using natural elements: plants, trees, flowers, animals, rocks, cliffs, brooks, ponds, lakes, etc. In doing this Man needs to understand the laws of nature and then create his personal little paradise with this understanding. That is why we speak of co creation: we create in collaboration with Creator. To do this Man has spent time reflecting on the original instructions of all the natural elements that he uses and arranges them so as to promote life and vitality. The same understanding can be also used in the creation of events, meeting and educational environments which restore Men’s inspiration and motivation to live according to the eternal principles of the universe. These principles are constantly illustrated in the natural world which surrounds us.
Paradise is the original world, where the original instructions of Man give birth to a healthy and evolutionary ecology. This world still exists everywhere around us, only civilized Man has voluntarily withdrawn from this world to follow diverse illusions and his thirst for power, money, glory, fame and indulgences in the senses. All indigenous nations live in their own terrestrial paradise when this has not been destroyed by civilized men.
Ex. – There is an interesting fact that confirms the love of their way of life of the indigenous people in Canada. During the colonization of Canada by Europeans a great number of Europeans spontaneously adopted the indigenous way of life but there is not a single example of Native Americans having adopted the European way of life without coercion!
Absolute freedom, a lot less work than what the Europeans had to do to maintain their life style, a lot of time with family, a simple life full of spirituality, play, love and games with hardly any limits to personal development are some of the advantages Native Americans were blessed with. The beauty of the land impressed many an European who wrote about it in their accounts of discovering America.
The earth becomes paradise again if Man cultivates it intelligently. The monstrous monocultures of industrial agriculture are not a rational and intelligent use of the available cultivatable land.
Ex.-In mono culture diseases and insects proliferate. It’s the reason why the farm industry has to use carcinogenic substances: herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and genetically modified organisms.
Ex. – Industrial agriculture produces pollution and a degradation of the soil. Furthermore, immense territories are devolved to it and thus taken away from Men who could live there in a healthy way.
Ex. – A family domain cultivated in biodiversity produces a lot more edible biomass by square meter than industrial agriculture.