Canadian cedar (thuya occidentalis) represents the perfect balance of feminine and male polarities. It is also called «The Tree of Peace», because of Deganawidah, a very important messianic figure in North America. Deganawidah brought the great Law of Peace to the Iroquoian people and formed what is now known as the League of Six Nations, one of the first forms of United Nations to exist on earth. Everywhere he went, Deganawidah planted a cedar as a symbol of Unity and Peace for the people.
Cedar brings balance and healing. It is one of the most important medicines of the Native American people. The leaves of thuya, as it is called in Europe, are used in many therapies, in herbal teas, in ritual medicine baths, in the sweat lodge and as an incense or smudge. This tree is among the most important for the First Nations of the Northeast. Many healing ceremonies use cedar. The oil which we use is prepared in a special way. Its influence favors balance, peace and serenity. It cleanses the air and eliminates polluants and acaroids. It is vermifuge, destroying physical and psychic parasites. Cedar enhances pysical health and favors longevity. Its blessings are uncountable and we are very grateful for all its gifts.
NB: to read more about the use of herbs and plants in the Native tradition, please also go to FIRST NATIONS TRADITIONAL SMUDGING