INTRODUCTION (continued from last week)
Why this philosophy of nature? Why add still more words to the numerous philosophies which already exist?
In any human life there are thoughts but also the interrelations that these thoughts create with others and nature. I have noticed and any psychologist will confirm that it’s important to feel useful. Indeed knowing our place in the world is essential to a serene state of mind. If we don’t understand the world we live in, there can be no serenity. Understanding the world and how we are in relationship with it, give a harmonious and serene life style and the wisdom to interact intelligently with the world. To have peace of mind we need understanding. That is the nature of Men. That is why an education based on reality, truth and true understanding of Men and their place in the world is essential in establishing peace and a pleasant life for all. The philosophy of nature is essentially an educational tool, to learn how to reflect on nature, Man and world and come to an understanding. An approach which takes into account all aspects who we are does not exist in philosophy at this time. The limit of philosophical research is different aspects of the body-mind dichotomy. We are much more than that. This is one of the reasons the philosophy of nature may prove useful.
Our current world civilization acts without thinking, and is governed by the financial and economic considerations of a small number of very rich persons who manipulate religions, corporations, polities and governments to get even more money and power. The result of such behavior is the progressive and rapid destruction of the environment as well as the degeneracy of Man on all levels. This was noticed by imminent specialists in many dimensions of human activity. The end result is the state of pollution, war, disease and innumerable problems which affect humanity today.
Humanity has an important and essential role on earth. We have a gift that no other species has, that of co creation. We all know of our ability to invent, all this technology and machinery we have. But co creation goes much farther than that. It teaches us how to create within the framework of our «original instructions[1]“. This creates what was formerly called “paradise”. It is relatively simple to return in these natural states of life where we attain the highest levels of happiness and joy but the path to get there will require great effort and the collaboration of all.
We need to implement wisdom in all sectors of human activity. Men can live wisely and intelligently. Destroying the ecosystems, polluting the earth, the air and the waters, thinking our nation, skin color or religion is more important than others and finding motivation in these differences to torture and kill is not living intelligently. It’s sad to say but wisdom is widely absent in our current governance and way of life.
We can transform our current thinking with an educational tool, this philosophy of nature which can allow the understanding of “universal” truth. This philosophy will allow every Man who gives it some thought a new life build on “truth”. When wisdom and truth are integrated into the life of Men it create joy, peace, love and happiness within and all around. When Man is happy and healthy all of nature delights in his beauty as we are the “consciousness” of the world. Understanding this, seeing that our wisdom and our intelligence can benefit all beings and that in fact all beings are a part of our consciousness, is the contribution I will attempt to offer with this philosophy of nature.
Blue Eagle
[1] This and other terms will be explained in another article.