Most beings who try to free themselves and live according to their consciousness do not completely take the measure of the internal and external influence of the beast (this system or worldwide technocratic civilization) on their lives. They are thus often unconscious victims of the forces of evil, their own ignorance and the mental, emotional and cellular damages which result from living within the system. Even those who become aware of it do not often escape these damages. It’s not a simple thing to become aware of the internal and external cogs of the beast and often very depressing to go there. Most people are going to flee in entertainment, religion, dependencies, work or other exhausting activities to avoid facing the demonic face of the beast. It is especially difficult since a part of that morbid facies is in us!
How to evolve in spite of these obstacles and to transform this world so that the children of future generations have a healthy world? Each one has their own path to walk, their own beauty way and my words can only be a beacon on this road. But I had help and circumstances which facilitated my understanding and I have walked for a long time on this path of liberation. I thus share you my reflections in response to your comments and requests.
The first realization that is important to acquire is that technology, its machines and its tools, are not necessary for our life, for our needs, for our comfort or for our development. They are in fact a hindrance to our full development. It’s very difficult to understand this because today we do not know how to live in accordance with nature without these tools. How to conceive a life in accordance with nature if we have never seen how or ever felt the wonders of complete beauty and liberty on earth? We have lost so much in our understanding of nature, we get our food from a store, our bodies have lost the ability to keep us warm in the cold, we need all types of clothing and technology in artificial houses which shelter us against what we now call bad weather.
I have always understood this and on some occasions have been the witness of people who suddenly realized that these technologies which we use every day are in fact the source of all our problems. This realization in every case was an incredible liberation for these beings, a vision and an enlightenment which gave them incredible renewal. Thus, it’s the first step… Naturally, to re-accustom our bodies and reacquire the knowledge necessary for a life in accordance with nature will not happen in one day, or even in a generation. It will take time, several generations. But as soon as one puts their foot on this path, their hearts fill with joy!
The second is that to accept that we have what is needed to live in accordance with nature, and that it’s our responsibility, our duty, our mission, our role to work at it, that is to develop our abilities to sow, tend and harvest our family gardens. We also must prepare to pass on this understanding and knowledge to future generations. On this path it is justifiable and necessary to use the tools of the system. Anastasia says it, as well as Sun Bear this great medicine man who was a precursor of the new earth. It is an evidence anyway, we do not know how to live without these tools today, so it’s necessary to use them. But our vision, our understanding has to be that it is a benign and temporary pain. These crutches and prostheses that ultimately these technologies are, ways to ease our handicaps towards nature, are but a process of healing, of restoring, of returning towards the perfect health of one who lives in natural harmony with the earth—mother. Our divine nature is that the world was created for us and that we are in fact the gods and the goddesses of this world when we cultivate its gardens! The one who understands this knows that it’s against nature to have to work. Having to work to earn a living is a false programming and conditioning of people so they become slaves of the system! Everything grows and matures with great abundance in nature, and is always available when our bodies need it, all of nature is at our service, then, work? It is our slaves’ condition in the system, obligated to pay taxes to the beast to benefit from its technologies and its advantages which destroy the natural world more and more quickly. Thus, it’s important to use these tools towards the construction of the new earth. It is the intention with which we use the system which confirms its legitimacy. And for that it’s necessary to understand that the beast is condemned to die, having devoured its own innards in wanting to reduce into slavery what is divine, Man, heir of the earth and its incredibly beautiful nature.
Peace and Light
Blue Eagle