A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I’ve had the time to really communicate with you on the blog. There is this important resistance to the oil industry pipe line in Standing Rock happening to protect the Indian lands in the USA. It is a particularly sensitive place due to the nations there from whom have come to us the sacred pipe and also the place of birth of a philosopher writer historian and Native academician of first importance. Although he’s gone now Vine Deloria Jr will stay in our minds and hearts for numerous generations to come. His impressive work of perspicacity and deep reflection which he leaves us is a landmark in Native history and thought. His analysis of Native American thought versus western thought is piercing and sharp, leaving no place with the accommodation and with a biting humor. I refer constantly to his works in my researches.
I have started a new book. This one will take several years to write as it summarizes a whole life of reflections on life, Man and nature. It will be entitled The Philosophy of Nature. From time to time I shall deliver you some paragraphs just to illustrate certain comments I want to pass on to you.
For Standing Rock I’ve had no time to investigate and support seriously except in my prayers. We recently incorporated an ASBL Domains for the Earth. In some weeks I shall give you the modalities to become member. The objects of the association are double: protect the ecology and offer support and funds to Native American charities. Standing Rock answer these two concerns. So we can soon support the Standing Rock warriors Rock when we have found the most effective way of helping the nations impacted by the oil industry, the police and military pit-bulls of the American administration. It is often when the dust has fallen and everybody forgets those who are still battling with the repercussions and negative fall out of the peaceful resistance that help is well needed and not available. It may be then that we shall start helping. In brief, I add Status Rock in the causes that are followed here on the blog. The link towards my follow-up of this file HERE. <https://aiglebleu.net/standing-rock/>
Speaking about causes many developments from Pollinis for the protection of the bees against the chemical industry of Monsanto and co. Difficult the fight but it gains ground! Proof of this is that these industries are trying to muzzle Pollinis. The last information HERE <https://aiglebleu.net/la-defense-des-abeilles/>. Sorry this is a European organistion in France. If you can contribute to the cause PLEASE it is worth it, for our future generation. Nature cannot survive without the bees.
For the fight against the electromagnetic pollution in Quebec I’ve had no news in the last while. As soon as I receive from it I deliver you that here.
So that’s my update. Other articles will follow in days and weeks of December and January;-)
Here a picture of Blue Eagle in the Artisans Show with the Invocations booth <http://www.invocation.ca>!
Blue Eagle