Also a number of interesting links this morning:
Russia is becoming and natural and ecological country. Eco villages multiply, they are now more than 300 ecovillages of family domains. Some have more than 270 families on more than 550 hectares! Vladimir Poutin announced some weeks ago Russia would soon become the first world producer of organic food free of GMO! For a site in English which speaks about Eco villages in Russia to see HERE.
On the other hand the devastation caused by genetically modified food and vaccines continues to threaten in a very serious way the mental and physical future of the human race and its integrity. Before the appearance of GMOs approximately 30 years ago, in spite of a growing pollution, autistic children’s births were situated in a ratio about 1 out of 10 000 children. It’s at present 1 for 50 and the Hippocrates institute which made numerous studies and is very active in the treatment and the sensitization in this disease foresees that in 2025 if the tendency remains in the proliferation of GMOs in food and the excessive use of vaccines that we shall have a child out of two that will be autistic! See Hippocrates Institute and
In Canada the conditions of life of Native Americans battling against the consequences of 500 years of genocidal policies on behalf of the European colonizers who have became the colonizing Canadian and American governments, continue to make the news. The mass murders of aborigianl women “ , extreme poverty, Assassination of First Nations by police forcesI could continue for a long time to present you different catastrophic aspects of the conditions of life of the Amerindians in Canada. In Invocation a manufacturing company of my shamanic perfumes situated in the First Nations community of Wendake, we have several Natives who are happy to work with us. We privilege the employment of First Nations when possible and all our products reflect the wisdom and the knowledge of nature of our nations.
Love peace and light
Blue Eagle