I continue part time my musical activities with the hope one day to be able to dedicate myself to it full-time. The work of education which I do is also very rewarding although 2 things disturb me. Always small groups that never exceed a hundred participants; secondly there are always people who are there for the wrongs reasons. It’s normal but a little bit irritating! I long to carry my message to a larger audience with fewer controversies.
For this purposes with the help of my beautiful consort I set up a YouTube channel . At present I have two songs there. Those who follow this blog remember can be that during the last provincial elections in Quebec I had been shocked by the behavior of the Quebeckers towards Pauline Marois, the first woman Prime Minister of the province. Under the blow of the emotion I had been rather mindless to write that I was going to write her a song. Once says, then, ouf, it was then necessary to write this song! Easier said than done. But finally nice song right here A WOMAN AND HER COUNTRY , and faithful to my word I offer it to the Quebecois people. I even invested a small sum there to make a small clip. Other song it is an assembly that a trainee to Invocation <http://www.invocation.ca> had made with a amateur film of the song GREAT WHITE Buffalo, recorded on a small camera during my concert organized by Thérèse Beaulieu in Lévis in 2013.
I shall give a concert soon, on September 26th in St-Jérome,. See details on the poster below.
Other project to which I contribute possibly if we find the financing. www.w-indianspirit.com
Blue Eagle