paysage de montagneEvents are more and more alarming as the international and ecological world drama intensifies. The system is resisting changes, that are growing and pushing to be heard and implemented everywhere. The new world wants to be born and manifest on earth. But human beings are so full of illusions, conditionings, programming, trusting in mental errors accumulated for millenniums that the system seems to be gaining on all fronts. But it’s only another illusion, in fact, the light shines more and more in the heart of the Men and Women of consciousness. But the bridges we need to cross are many. It’s a long road. And at the moment it’s not quite visible … except for the encouraging light coming from Russia! Huge, master decisions that will protect the ecology, ecovillages created by the hundreds, milestones in the medical field, schools that really help children become all they can be, on all fronts hope is flourishing in Rus. But for us in Canada it is quite dark and it’s even worse in Europe.

That is why those who are conscious need to stay alive for a very long time as there are not very many of us who are aware! One of the illusions firmly implanted in human programming by the forces of darkness is the inevitability of ageing and death. But in truth they are illusions and perversions of the original instructions. To empower our spiritual sovereignty is a rather difficult path today, but possible! For the Creator within, nothing is impossible.

One of my friends, a special man, creator of the Rebirth healing method, Leonard Orr, did extensive research on Immortality. He went to India and Asia looking for those who are called Immortals. He gave himself the reference that one needed to be more than 300 years old to be considered. He found 8 immortals. The oldest was the guru of an ashram in India. He was 2000 years old. This is well documented as every day his followers write what he did, his words and teachings in large books prepared for that task. The room where these books are kept has bookcases going from floor to ceiling with hundreds of these enormous volumes detailing every day of this person’s life. 2000 years’ worth of his life and teachings. One of my Native elders told us of meeting a wise Native couple who lived in a beautiful isolated natural setting. They were both over 800 years old. In the Christian Bible it is written that certain people lived to a very respectable age, 800 years, 900 years. Salomon is considered there to have lived for more than a thousand years. I could continue and give many more examples of incredibly life spans, impossible according to modern thought. But I will not, as this is not important. What is important here it is to understand that our Creator, this heavenly Father-Mother who loves us all, did not create his children so they would experience disease and death. It is our doing, our free will that has created this situation. It is altogether possible to take another path and create another way.

My elder and mentor, Sun Bear, called modern governments and multinational corporations, dinosaurs, as they are destined to extinction. He used to say : « as long as these dinosaurs roam the earth you may feed on their flesh ». Anastasia of Russia (links in categories) similarly teaches that it’s justifiable and necessary to use the tools provided by the system to transform the system.

As long as the current destructive world dominating system exists, it is helpful to use the products that are non-polluting and effective. When we once more achieve a 100% natural existence on earth, without technology, without pollution, then our life expectancy will be around 125 years of age at minimum, in perfect health. At that time no such product will be required. Nature in all its beauty, this paradise which is our home and legitimate inheritance, will be quite enough for health, happiness and incredible self-development. Such is Great Spirits’ will and desire for his children. All we need has already been created. Technology has robbed us of the capabilities and knowledge needed to access these gifts. For millennium now we have trod on a path that was manipulated by people with occult and pernicious intentions. Correcting those errors will take numerous generations. We can begin today to recreate paradise. If we do start today we will inherit joy and love.

All our relations!

Blue Eagle


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