Here is an article by Pollinis, an European association who defends the bees, which I wish to promote for a global awareness of the mortal effects of pesticides on our sweet nectar gathering friends and on the whole ecosystem …
On April 29th, 2013, the European Commission announced a ban on 3 neonicotinoids pesticides murderer of bees…
It is in fact the result of the operations and the pressures of the agrochemical firms to clear their products.
Few people know but during the 2 years of the so-called moratorium on neonicotinoïdes, the sale of these products is used on 80 to 100 % of the industrial cultures.
Furthermore, the moratorium concerns only 3 molecules while there are already 7 authorized in Europe already.
Meanwhile, generic, unmarked products have appeared on the market and several demands for licenses are in progress for new neonicotinoïdes from China.
On average, it takes about 9 months for the quantity of neonicotinoïdes presents in the ground after use to decrease by half.
We find them in pollens and nectars of the cultures even those not treated scattered in the in certainly weak concentrations, but all the same 20 times superior to the doses which entail an abnormally high death rate of bees studied in laboratory!
Please help Pollinis, to enlist an army of citizens to oppose by all the means the lobbies and be concerned politiciens.
It is the real hope for the citizens of all of Europe: that if ever the Commission decided to discharge these mortal pesticides, just a single member country of the EU to forbid them on its territory to oblige him the EU to revise its’ policies.
The Pollinis association had launched a new mobilization to pressjure the senators, result: the amendment was removed until new order!
Every year, the mortality rates of bees is alarming.
In 2015, certain beekeepers lost between 70 and 100 % of their colonies, it’s the genocide of bees!
If the decline of bees continues with this rhythm, what will insure the pollinisation and reproduction of all the plants, fruits and vegetables which we consume every day, and that are essential to us?
On the whole, neonicotinoids are 7000 times more mortal to bees than was the DDT used previously!
New studies put in light the extreme pollution of these pesticides in the grounds, groundwaters, streams… Upsetting the entire ecosystem …
It is an unprecedented threat on our food security, and the only way of avoiding that is to stop the use of these products.
Know at least that every contribution is useful to help them to continue their work and to achieve their actions in Europe and in France.
If you agree to undertake more forward in this fight for a healthy and respectful agriculture on which we all depend, then please click here to bring your support.
I thank you in advance for your commitment and your support which will allow them to continue their actions to prevent the agrochemical companies from sacrificing the health and the food of the world population, for their billions in profits…
For the bees, for nature, and for life!
Very sincerely,
Blue Eagle