Pipe ceremony before sweat lodge with Wota the creator of .

I have just finished leading two ceremonial cycles of vision quests and rites of passage. The signs from the moment we arrived were extraordinary! Rainbows, perfect weather, eagles and other birds of prey circling our ceremonial grounds, the signs in fact were too numerous to write them all. I accompanied during 14 days 43 persons on vision quests and moon lodges. All had beneficial experiences giving them a clearer vision of life, things that need to be modified and others to look for. 18 had visions or experiences so important that they received a new name to anchor in the collective consciousness that this person has so evolved that she is now another person and can be thus identified differently. Puma Fire, Mother of the Forest, Grace of Acceptance Woman, Speaks with Birds Woman, Eternity of the Presence, Thunder of the Sun Buffalo are some names which were received with great emotion. The whole cycle culminated with a day of rites of passages: numerous ceremonies of the sacred nature of woman, 2 marriages, numerous spiritual elder ceremonies, an adoption and naturally the ceremony of new names. A colorful day with the beauty of all the ceremonial clothing, decorated coming of age shales, the ceremonial arch, the powerful sacred fire center with a vortex of light into the spiritual world, perfect weather and the powerful feelings that all experienced.

It goes without saying that I was excited but exhausted after all these activities. I worked for 12 hours and more every day for 14 days. We were at the max of participants that we could accept. But it was worth a thousand times the effort. It was the essence of shamanism and First Nations spirituality which were experienced on those blessed days. In fact, words are too small to really convey what I feel.

Next year the Ceremonial Cycle of Rites of Passages will be held on Canadian ground, in Quebec, in Outaouais. I can only manage 24 in vision quests and moon lodge in those 7 days so for those for whom this activity is important do your booking with Jocelyne . Find the complete description of the Rites of Passage here . I’ll try to translate this page as soon as I can. The fact is that all the ceremonies and participants are french. One day maybe someone from the English community will want to organize them.

I’m back home and looking forward to a few days of rest. I will be preparing a few articles in the next weeks. In the meantime here are a few photos of the event.

This cycle of vision quests put in light an interesting reality. Those who train with me had visions and experiences a lot more interesting and evolutionary and less difficult for the men than those who are not in training. I realize once more how important spiritual practice is for the development of a person’s ability to grow and change.

So there, enough for today, I’ll be back next week.

All our relations

Blue Eagle


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