The heat wave in Europe, the drought in the southern United States, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, spontaneous fires that are consuming thousands of hectares of forest in many countries around the world, and I could go on… The elements of the earth are in a state of chaos that reflects the disarray of mother earth because of the suffering that humanity is inflicting on her.
The universe including earth is governed by immutable laws that are in perfect harmony with the raison d’être of humanity. Since man has lost his way and wandered into the twists and turns of technology and the perverse structures of civilizations erected by the financial powers that dominate the world, the elements, which usually listen to the shamans and indigenous communities who communicate with them via cyclical ceremonies, are left without direction, on an earth where an increasing number of men and women are bio-robots without any contact with nature. War and the industries of civilized nations are destroying the living natural world at a bewildering rate, faster and faster, and no government in the world that I know of (except perhaps Russia and Iceland) is trying to stem this tidal wave of destruction and madness that threatens our existence. All countries are in debt, in bondage to the banks, therefore controlled by powers that have no interest in the immutable laws of nature.
Thus, the elements have lost their direction and are no longer in harmony with the needs of the people. Mother Earth is writhing in pain and sorrow as pollution and the sufferings of humanity grows by the day. Thus, the countless disasters and problems created on our biosphere by the chaos of the elements. The element of water either withdraws from the land and creates droughts and heat waves or comes in too strong creating floods, tsunamis and the crops rot in the ground. The element of wind unleashed creates cyclones, hurricanes, windstorms that cut down entire forests, insane tornadoes and other disasters. The earth shakes more and more often bringing death and destruction in its wake, especially in those man-made structures that are great cities. And fire, despite countries losing hundreds of acres to this element, we have yet to see the full power of fire unleashed, but it is coming … and it will be the scariest of all. Already, radioactive fire from nuclear power plants has created immense problems and tens of thousands of cancers around the world. Every year the power of these disturbances increases.
And yet … it is so easy to communicate with the elements. When I first started on my path, when I saw my Native American elders calling for wind and rain or parting the clouds to bring in the sun, I was astonished, even amazed. As time went on and I learned and practiced ceremonies and meditations of communion with the elements, I realized that nothing was more natural. It is the role of Man, one of his responsibilities, to commune with nature and communicate his needs for the coming season. So many times I have seen this. Indeed, the vast majority of our practices and ceremonies are done outdoors, so the weather has to be favorable. I have taught for over 35 years, many, many seminars, dozens of ceremonies each year and we have always had good weather. Only once did I have to cancel a ceremony because of rain and I knew it was because the group didn’t have the right intentions. In fact, the elements are often a reflection of our emotions. Several times I called for rain because the land where I was teaching needed it, and every time it rained. All my students can confirm the accuracy of these statements. We noticed, an excellent example, that in almost all my workshops we see a rainbow, a sign in the tradition that nature has heard us. Often the rain comes when the session was over. Sometimes during, a little bit, but never so much as to interrupt our activities.
But when I look at the state of the world and the countless disasters caused by the elements I know that the path to harmonizing this will be very long and very difficult. It is still possible to have a small influence locally on the elements, but overall, on the planet, the balance is irreparably compromised. Only a return to the family domains, a return to living in nature with no harmful technology, in all countries of the world, can one day bring about the wisdom and communion with the earth that can soothe and reorient the elements of the world. But this is not anything we see on the horizon. Instead technology and measures to control population with computers and chemicals are increasing at an exponential rate. Thus, it will be up to the elements to purify it all.
The prophecies have long foretold of a planetary cleansing. These cyclical events have until now been the work of one element. As an example, the last one that many ancient traditions remember, the great flood, this purification described in the Bible (Noah’s ark) and in the stories of many nations around the world, there was a single element, water. But what is announced this time is the four elements.
Thus, those who have the courage to return to cultivate the land on small areas of one or more hectares should be supported and protected. It is not needed to have more than one hectare to feed your family. Biodiversity-based permaculture or organic agriculture produces more edible biomass on the same acreage, up to 12 times more, than industrial agriculture. People living on family domains together will then return to the communities of yesteryear where all help each other and we’ll reactivate the cyclical ceremonies to harmonize our relationship with nature and the elements.
What will be very interesting when we have re-established communion with the elements is to bring the dragons back to earth! But that is a subject for another discussion, for another day. Humanity is not ready. You need high level shamans for that and people of that level can only exist in communities that live in perfect harmony with nature. I mention this because dragons are elemental beings, whose existence is a multidimensional manifestation of the elements. I realize that I don’t really have the words to describe this.
I love having magic and mystery in my life. It’s so much more interesting than a sterile technocratic world ruled by cyborgs! LOL 😀
Joy, Love and Peace
Blue Eagle